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KwentoBus Success

Kwentobus Finished in Southville.

Rain threatened to hinder the celebration the last Saturday the Kwentobus would drive to Southville to excited, smiling faces, but it cleared before the bus arrived. Children began to unpack chairs as helpers straightened them, quieted their bouncing, and got them all seated.  One little girl, concerned her hair was not pretty enough for the day, solicited the hands of a young helper to braid her hair.

When asked for volunteers, 10 children came to the front to dance and sing with the teachers to the songs they were taught each Saturday. This was repeated several more times until all the children who wished had the opportunity to sing and perform.

Nicole, the young man who helped record the Kwentobus song, was there to sing the song, in person, and conduct a singing contest between three students.  The entire group of children were asked to vote for the best attempt, and a prize was given.

Roland Beard, Biblical Creation curriculum writer for IFL, told the children a story about the owner of a large company who was interviewing potential employees.   He asked each applicant three questions about their reading habits: 1. What is your favorite book? 2. Who is your favorite character in the book? 3. When did you read the book? It was important to the employer that the applicant could read, comprehend the story, and that he made it a habit to read.  The children were encouraged to learn to read well to make their life more prosperous and meaningful.

In the weeks the Kwentobus spent Saturdays in Southville, many of the students had learned to write their name, learn the letters of the alphabet and their sounds, and some improved their reading skills.

When Cheryl, one of the teachers from IFL, held up the microphone, her commanding voice got the attention of all the children.  The ones who had full attendance from the beginning were recognized, given certificates of completion in their name, and given books.  Those who attended less often were given a certificate of attendance without personal recognition, but also given a book.

All the children walked through the KwentoBus one last time and received snacks as they exited.  For some children it was the first time they had walked through the Kwentobus.  All those books!  The preparation and participation by volunteers and teachers from IFL and the gift from Limcauco gave many, many Southville children a hunger in their hearts and minds for the written words in books that would make them dream for a better future.

All present expressed much gratitude to Limcauco, represented by the presence of Mrs. Merivic Limcauco and her daughter Georgia, who gave a short history of and vision for the KwentoBus. The Southville school principal, Ms. Yolly Valiente, was also there to help recognize and congratulate the students and offer her appreciation for the KwentoBus.

Beth and Jose Magdaraog, the heart and leadership of the KwentoBus at IFL, looked at all the children with a sense of accomplishment and fond memories of the Saturdays spent in Southville. They also look forward with anticipation and excitement as plans are made to share the KwentoBus with children at two more locations over the summer.

Christmas is Coming!

“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!”  Just like the song, a big room at the IFL offices is full of baskets, boxes, shrink-wrap, materials for bows and decorations, and volunteers with smiles. 

The ministry of IFL is truly seeking to function as a Bible believing “family” – strengthening the hands of the weak, visiting those in prison, binding up the broken-hearted, caring for the widows and orphans.  The resources to sustain this benevolence must increase with the size of the needs.  So the question is often asked, “How can we increase our giving?”   Such is the question posed to Livelihood in the IFL family. 

Christmas is the perfect time to bring in those extra funds.  What better way than to make something of value to sell to local businesses and friends of the IFL family?  This particular project  of Livelihood has grown from 455 baskets and 174 boxes sold last year to 330 plus an additional 150 more estimated baskets and 450 boxes already ordered for this Christmas season. Businesses are ordering sizable numbers to give as Christmas gifts to clients and employees based on the excellent quality and reputation of the products.

The IFL family excitedly helps in various parts of production and assembly.  The 6 or 7 ladies who help with assembly take turns whenever they have free time.  Some make bows, some cut ribbon or string name tags.  Other volunteers bottle the specialty products.   A few of the IFL communities in other locations deliver honey and turmeric to be added to the modest selection of products a customer can choose for their pre-ordered basket or box.

The larger baskets use a bread carrier for the bottom, bottles and bags of Mexicana or Filipina food on top .  The basket is then sealed with shrink-wrap and topped with a big open-weave bow and decoration. Smaller gift boxes have room for two “mix or match,” pre-bottled gift choices of the customer.   

Smiles and the pleasant conversation show the volunteers are all happily assembling and decorating each basket or box with care.  IFL Livelihood is busy with the “business” of giving…because Christmas is coming!


In case anyone would like to order, here are the basket and box choices:

Tomato sauce, salsa, pickled papaya (atsara), pickled sayote, coco pineapple jam, honey, chili garlic oil, sweet chili sauce, turmeric tea powder, ginger tea powder, roasted sweet/spicy peanuts, banana chips, italian herb vinaigrette, tortilla chips*, butter cookies*, penne pasta*

*denotes items not made at IFL

For orders contact: Gerald.sy.4@gmail.com, 0905-234-4634, 0942-074-5545


The door is open and the speaker blares out the KwentoBus song.* Inside, the bus is lined with the many books chosen from the IFL library to inspire the children to learn and love to read. It’s a special bus…it’s a story bus…painted with vivid colors to attract young eyes as it passes by.

KwentoBus was provided by the generosity of Limcaoco, who entrusted that vision to IFL Integrated Community Development Ministries, Inc. (City of Cabuyao, Laguna) and to IFL coordinators Beth and Jose Magdaraog for its operation, and staffing. The birth of this coordinated effort took place August 11, 2018.

IFL Teachers, volunteer workers, and assigned team of youth (varying from week to week) talk and laugh together as the bus winds its way through the city streets to the Southville area. But when the bus pulls through the gate to the Southville High School, the talking and laughter turn quickly to the task at hand – getting all those children seated, listening, and making the story time exciting for them.  The children enthusiastically participate when volunteers teach them to sing and dance or use hand gestures with several songs and read them a charming book, showing the pictures as the story progresses.

On the first KwentoBus adventure, Saturday, August 25th, there were only a few waiting children.  Jose quickly did a house-to-house search to invite parents to allow their children to come join the fun and learning activities, as Beth waved in children from the street who passed by with curious eyes. A total of 72 children, between the ages of 3 and 12, joined them for the two hours of activities and snacks.

By Saturday, September 1st, there were 89 children who gathered to sing, hear a story, take a pre-test to assess their reading level, and have a nutritious snack.  Curiosity was growing.

The September 8th team welcomed 128 children!  They were divided into three groups: “non- readers,” “struggling readers,” and “readers.” Those who could not read and poor readers reviewed phonics with Sing, Spell Read & Write. Those who could read were allowed to step inside KwentoBus and experience the enchanting world of books.

Southville area will be visited 10 consecutive Saturdays, ending with a small celebration of accomplishment for the students, before KwentoBus moves to another impoverished area to bring hope and encouragement to more young readers.  Several pastors and volunteers from area churches also participate to establish relationships with some of the parents, introduce them to the gospel, and invite them to area churches.

IFL teachers are well qualified and prepared to handle a project of this magnitude. But, no matter the qualifications or dedication, there are always challenges that make hearts cry out for solutions. We watched as one bright-eyed 9-year-old wrote his name on the paper but could not write the date. Volunteers observed him watching the papers of others to copy the answers to his reading assessment.  Obviously, he could not read.  We also learned this bright-eyed boy could neither hear nor speak.

Next Saturday, KwentoBus will play its music and call to the children in Southville, and it will be full of good books for them to read – maybe even a few “picture” books for the enjoyment of a bright-eyed boy.


“Join with us and have some fun

Join with us on the KwentoBus

Let’s learn to read and read for fun

Join with us today.


The KwentoBus, the KwentoBus

Come on have fun

Come on let’s read play (2x)


*(KwentoBus, written and recorded by IFL staff Azaleah Reyes and student Nicko)

10th Annual National Educator’s Conference, September 6-7, 2018 “God’s Standards in a Changing Culture”

The flags came in, tambourines and dancers twirled to the worship music, and IFL Director Patricia Capwell once again gave the welcome and opening prayer at the Annual National Educators Conference, IFL Training Center, Cabuyao, Laguna.

Registration tables, a twenty-page conference schedule that included profiles of the nationally and internationally acclaimed speakers, name tags, and an array of people willing and able to assist made it all look so easy…so seamless. But, for the dedicated IFL staff and volunteer workers, the night before was a flurry of tasks and little sleep. The school was cleaned and transformed into dorms, and food – lots of food – needed to be prepared.  The first buses began arriving very early Thursday morning.

This was the opportunity for the 345 registered attendees (administrators, principals, and teachers) from 72 schools across the Philippine Islands to renew friendships, exchange ideas, and be encouraged.  At this 10thannual conference, fourth year future teachers from Pamantasan University were invited to come and sit in on the sessions; 180 gratefully attended, stretching accommodations to near capacity.

No matter the need of any school, particular administrator, or teacher, there was a smorgasbord of information and training available. The Plenary Sessions and Workshops included  Dr. Albert Madrigal, PhD; Mrs. Helen Villaneuva; Ms. Annie Calleja; Ms. Jaymee P. Rivera; Ptra. Guia Corpus.  Returning speakers from the US included Dr. Don Petry, PhD, Director of International Relations and President of International Council for Education;  Ptr. Bob Sladek, “Kingdom Education” speaker and principal of Mission Viejo Christian School; and Ptr. Roland Beard, Biblical Creation curriculum writer at IFL. There were also workshops in writing, music, drama, and speaking by Dr. Luis P. Gatmaitan, MD, Mr. Eugene Belbis, Mr. Terence Guillermo, Mr. Luigi Nacario, Ms. Ces Dela Cruz-Guevara.

“God’s Standards in a Changing Culture,” the theme of this conference, was also presented as a mandate to the Christian schools. In spite of the rising tide of naturalism and the declining morals in the culture around us, the Guest Speakers and IFL Director Patricia Capwell spoke clearly and passionately, asking all to renew their commitment to diligently teach and live by the standards found in God’s Word and carry this banner to our future generations.



By Ptr. Richard and Rose Ann Carganilla, Nueva Ecija Center Coordinators

Blessings After the Storm

Despite the hardships brought about by the recent typhoon, the church members of IFL’s Nueva Ecija Center felt very blessed to receive donated clothes. A total of thirteen (13) families were the delighted recipients of the items. The Doroy family, whose house was totally washed out during the last typhoon, were especially thankful because they were only able to save a few pieces of clothes.

Another Open Door for the Gospel

After visiting two families living near the boundary, new doors were opened for the sharing of the Gospel. Tatay Charlie Bautista and Bro. Dionisio Labrador both agreed to have Bible studies in their house every Sunday at 1pm. Praise the Lord!

On the Road to Eliminating Poverty

Ptr. Richard and Rose Ann have been preparing themselves to help the community in eliminating poverty by educating the people about responsible management of money and investing wisely. They have previously attended the program of CCT-SCA or Savings and Credit Association where they learned how to save. They recently attended a Coop Education Forum to learn about cooperatives and its benefits. They believe that in the future, by teaching people to save, invest and manage their own businesses, the people will be liberated from the grip of poverty and reap the fruits of their labor.

To God be the Glory!


By Cinderella de Ello, IFL Social Worker

IFL continues to extend God’s influence over the local government unit in Barangay San Isidro through the Barangay Council for the Protection of Children (BCPC). Ms. Cinderella de Ello volunteers her time to assist the council in handling child abuse cases where she infuses biblical principles on how services should be delivered and demonstrates serving out of love and concern to the people in trouble and in need.

By God’s enablement, all cases of child abuse and other family related problems, currently about 9 of them, have been resolved. The concerned barangay staff have been very cooperative and the Brgy. Chairman is fully confident of IFL’s support to help them improve their governance of San Isidro. The grander part is that the families who are being helped are becoming open and aware of the importance of spirituality and having a living relationship with God in order to have a meaningful life on earth. This requires readiness of counselors and life coaches that will guide these families in crisis toward wholeness and restoration of broken or damaged relationships. This is where the church or faith-based groups are encouraged to take part in.

The Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) has identified the City of Cabuyao as one Local Government Unit (LGU) who has had positive reports on handling VAWC or Violence Against Women & Children’s cases and Brgy. San Isidro is one of the four barangays that is being commended.

So far, all proposed PPAs (Programs, Projects, Activities) are well received by the Barangay Council.

  • Proposed Activities and Plans for November to December
  • Alpha Course Seminar for all youth leaders in the churches in the barangay;
  • Students’ Nyt” at San Isidro Elem. School grounds for high school students to be facilitated by Task Force on Youth Development (TFYD) and faith-based youth groups led by our Youth Alive! leaders.
  • MomTreps” Seminar beginning November for each of the eleven (11) subdivisions in San Isidro (S.I.) and setting up of “S.I. MomTreps’ Shoppe” to sell homemade goods & items.



By Jose Lagrazon

What do a bank’s old deposit counter and lighting fixture have in common? The answer: They are both found on the ceiling of the new IFL Social Work Office. Incredible, but true!

IFL has been blessed with a lot of used office furniture and fixtures from our faithful donors that might seem useless to some. But thankfully, IFL’s Ground Manager, Mr. Jess Lagrazon, was able to creatively and ingeniously use the lighting fixtures, glass, and glass doors and transformed them into something beautiful and useful and great savings, too!

The new Social Work Office has been a long-time dream of IFL’s Social Worker, Ms. Cindy de Ello. She is very happy and excited to move into their new office once all the finishing work is done.


By Nora Paulino, Education Coordinator and Ophelia Espinosa, IFL School High School Dept. Head

This year’s National Educators’ Conference entitled “Be Prepared” was held on September 10 and 11 at the IFL Main Hall in Cabuyao, Laguna. The conference aimed to equip today’s educators by addressing significant aspects in the education system of the 21st century.

The plenary and workshop speakers, who are highly experienced, dedicated proponents and leaders in their respective fields, tackled important and pressing issues and factors in relation to the changes brought about by the K-12 Program of the Department of Education as well as the challenges of the fast paced advances in technology, and presidential decrees and laws governing the educational system in the Philippines today.

Plenary Session topics included “Be Prepared” (Dr. Don Petry), “Challenges and Blessings of Christian Schools in the 21st Century” (Mrs. Helen Villanueva), “Instilling Godly Morals and Values in Molding and Shaping the 21st Century Youth” (Ptr. Jonathan Edward Banzuelo), “For Such A Time As This” (Dr. Don Petry), “The Stewardship of Christian Educational Institutions” (Bishop Reuben Abante), and “The Christian Stand on the Child Protection Policy and Law” (Atty. Jeremiah Belgica).

Workshop Session topics included “Classroom Management of Children with Special Needs” (Ms. Maria Bettina F. Ancheta), “Handling Grievances and Complaints of Parents” (Ms. Eleanor D. Castillo), “Resolving Family Conflicts – Parent/s–Child Conflict” (Ptr. John Joseph Leo B. Castillo), “Teaching Out of the Box” (Ptr. Jonathan Edwards O. Banzuelo), “Overview of Personal Safety Lessons and Handling Disclosure of Child Sexual Abuse” (Ms. Gina Lompero), “Differences between Boy’s and Girl’s Way of Thinking”(Ms. Sheila Eiaw), “Rethinking Grading and Testing” (Dr. Don Petry), “Disaster Preparedness for Your School” (Ms. Sheila Dela Cruz), “Happy Feet! Effective Physical Education (PE) and Teaching Methods for Preschoolers and Elementary Students” (Mrs. Cecilia Tubera), “Administrative Challenges and Solutions (with Q & A)” (Ptra. Grace Park). There was also a panel discussion about “Preparing for K-12” with Mrs. Helen Villanueva, Ptr. Grace Park, and Rev. Pat Capwell as panelists. Ptr. Guia Corpus taught SSRW Advance Level for the teachers who finished the basic SSRW training program in April of this year.

During the 2-day conference, testimonies given by the different Foundational Learning Centers (FLC) administrators and principals were reminders of the amazing work and faithfulness of God. Each one is a witness of what God can do as they all had “small beginnings” which blossomed into great schools for the young minds, respected and recognized in their communities and the local government.

The conference ended with closing remarks and prayer from the International Director, Rev. Patricia Capwell.


By Roselle Malana, School Principal


In celebration of World Teachers’ Day, the IFL School teachers were treated to an afternoon of fun and relaxation (and free admission) at the Enchanted Kingdom (EK) recreational park in Sta. Rosa, Laguna. After the Sunday church service at IFL, the teachers excitedly trooped to EK, ready to have a great time – which they surely did.

The trip was a very simple gesture of gratitude for all the hard work and dedication these young, volunteer teachers have poured into molding the young minds of our students. God bless you all!


United Nation’s Day celebration at the IFL School was an amazing world tour experience – for free!

The classrooms were adorned with decorations of the country they each represented. The children wore traditional costumes, posed for pictures, dramatized a scene and performed traditional dances. Some classrooms even served food.

At the end of the tour, 3 classrooms were chosen for the Best Classroom Award. The Kinder level, Grades 4 and 7 all won First Prize while the other levels received consolation prizes.

The celebration was made more meaningful when students, teachers and even the parents who are attended prayed for all the countries that they were represented.



The IFL sports teams – HS Boys Basketball, HS Girls Volleyball, 14-Under Boys Basketball, HS Boys Volleyball teams – participated in the Cabuyao Private Schools Association (CAPRISA) tournament held on October 3-5.

The teams put in a good effort as they faced stiff competition in their respective brackets that were composed of several of the medalist teams from previous years. The students did their best and pushed these tough teams to very close games, as they played together in unity. 

The 14-Under Boys Basketball Team won 3rd Place after a tough game against the strong and seasoned team of Academia de San Jose. Bernard Algire (Gr. 7) was selected to the All-Star Team.

The HS Boys Volleyball Team won the championship for the second straight year, defeating Liceo de Cabuyao in the semi-finals, and then Ridpath Academy in a very intense and exciting championship match. Vincent Ico (Gr. 9) was selected to the All-Star Team, while Isaiah Alipio (Gr. 9) was selected as the Most Valuable Player for the second straight year.

IFL is incredibly proud of the boys not only for winning but more so because of the character and integrity that these young athletes displayed during the competition. In the third set of the championship match, Vincent Ico raised his hands to block a Ridpath attack. The ball flew out of bounds, and the referee awarded the point to IFL. However, Vincent immediately approached the referee and told him that he had in fact touched the ball on its way out. The referee did not see it. After Vincent’s admission, the referee took back the point from IFL and gave it to Ridpath.

All throughout the tournament, the boys showed a strong and unwavering unity and a passionate determination to win. And yet, after every point that they scored, the boys would come together in the middle of the court, yell “1, 2, 3…IFL!”, clap twice, and then, all together, point up towards heaven. They knew whom the glory belongs to.

Such is what IFL’s sports program trying to achieve – to mold athletes who not only compete passionately in love and unity, but also with utmost humility and integrity, ultimately giving glory not to themselves, but rather to the King of Kings.

To God be all the glory!



By: Roselle Malana, School Principal and David Empleo, Jr., Tech-Voc Suprvisor /IFL TESDA Program Coordinator

In preparation for the DepEd Senior High School K-12, ten (10) IFL School teachers took the TESDA 6-week intensive Professional Bread and Pastry NC II Training program of the Westbridge Institute of Technology in the City of Cabuyao, Laguna. The IFL teachers acquired the fundamental skills and techniques needed to excel in a professional pastry kitchen. They learned baking essentials, safety and sanitation techniques and entrepreneurial baking. They made delicious breads, puff pastries, quick breads, cookies, chocolate and dessert buffets, cakes and icings, pizza pies, cream puff and custards and generously shared their baked goodies when they returned to IFL.

At the end of the training, they all took the skills competency assessment test. All 10 teachers, headed by the IFL School principal, successfully passed and were awarded the NC II Certificate for Bread and Pastry. Congratulations to all!

Part of the preparation for the K-12 program is to have the necessary facilities and equipment for the courses that are going to be offered. IFL continues to pray for industrial-sized kitchen and baking equipment to be used for the program.

IFL Teachers during their TESDA training for Bread and Pastry  NC II


By: Roselle Malana, School Principal

Officers of the Supreme Student Government (SSG) of IFL School and their Adviser, Mr. Javier C. Obo attended the ACSI Student Leadership Conference (SLC) on September 3-5 held at the CCT Retreat Center in Tagaytay City. The theme of the conference was “21st Century Youth: Effective Christian Leaders”. Over a hundred students, teachers and advisers from Fifteen (15) Christian schools in Luzon and the National Capital Region (NCR) stepped away from their projects, homework, and school work to join the event.

The 3-day leadership conference was filled with engaging activities that encouraged and challenged the social and leadership skills of every student. They were given different tasks which required not only strength but also knowledge in strategizing and planning. There were also times of praise & worship and devotion to enrich one’s spiritual life by building a stronger relationship with the Lord on the road to becoming exceptional leaders. Conference speakers inspired the young leaders to strive, not for success, but for excellence.

The four SSG officers were given a chance to present their accomplishment report regarding their Big, Hairy, and Audacious Goals (BHAG) which they have formulated last year with the other schools and fellow students and leaders. They also showed that they are not just young leaders with brains but that they likewise possess many talents as they performed during the Talent Show.

The conference has indeed developed in the participants a great desire for excellence and determination to flourish in all aspects of life and make the right decisions for the future. And as leaders, they learned that the only true, stable, and rock-solid foundation of decision-making and priorities is the Word of God.

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the truth.

2 Timothy 2:15


By: Roselle Malana, School Principal

The High School Boys’ Volleyball Team had the privilege of playing against seasoned teams from different schools when they joined the League of Southern Manila Schools (LSMS) held at the Brent International School in Biñan City, Laguna. Considered a newcomer in the league, the IFL volleyball team played their way up to the semi-finals bagging 4th Place out of 15 schools in the overall standing. What a feat for these newbies!

This achievement, however, did not come easy for these talented young boys. They sacrificed their vacation and after-school time to spend grueling hours of training. On top of this, they were required to demonstrate faithful attendance during practices, show integrity and positive changes in their attitude and character, and maintain good grades.

Going into the tournament, the team knew that the other schools which regularly participated in this league were large, prominent schools with thousands of enrollees. The IFL volleyball team, on the other hand, coming from such a small school with a relatively new volleyball program, had no idea how they would fare against the “giants”. Despite the seemingly great odds, they determined to give their very best in every game because they were going to play for God and trust Him with all the other things they couldn’t control. They knew that they played to win but also knew that there was no shame in losing.

The IFL Boys’ Volleyball Team won all but one of their games to qualify for the semi-finals where they lost to the very seasoned team of St. Francis of Assisi College. They fought a very good fight in the battle for third place which they lost to De La Salle-Lipa, giving the IFL team 4th Place. Not all was lost. One of the team members, Vincent Ico, was given recognition and was selected to the All-Star Team.

At the end of the tournament, the boys approached the league commissioner to thank him for granting IFL the privilege to play in the LSMS. The commissioner graciously answered that it is the LSMS that should thank IFL because IFL has been one of the most behaved and respectful schools that has participated in the league. He was also proud of the boys because despite only coming in fourth place, the boys fought a very good fight. All glory to God for what the team was able to achieve!

Corn Project Update and Other News from Iloilo

Corn Project

On May 21-26, 2015, we cut the brush, burned, and cleared an area good for 5 bags of corn seed. Two weeks before planting, I was able to check the weather condition on the Internet and learned the government has warned the public that the El Niño phenomenon will intensify later in the year, resulting in a dry spell from August to November 2015. According to the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAG-ASA), this will affect 32 provinces, including Iloilo, which will receive 21 to 60 percent less rainfall than average. Pag-asa also stated that El Niño may continue until December 2015 and gradually weaken until it ends in May 2016.

Afraid to lose the remaining funds for the corn project, I opted to plant only 2 bags of corn seeds. We sprayed herbicides on spots where grass had started growing again on June 5. Eight days later, June 13, was planting day. We used 17 planters for 2 bags of corn seeds. We applied 7 bags of fertilizer after 2 weeks (June 27).

Our second spraying of herbicides was on July 11, our second application of fertilizer on July 18, 35 days after planting. We used 9 bags this time. To control rat infestation we put out baits on August 22. As you can see in the photos, the corn is growing fairly well. Please pray with us for a good harvest despite the dry spell.

Other Activities

Since Mavic has returned to IFL’s homebase in Cabuyao, Laguna to teach in the School and to complete her masteral thesis, Lea has taken over the teaching of Sunday School on the first Sunday of every month.

Lea has also started volunteering at the health center in Baranggay Sto. Tomas (Iloilo). She is on duty from 9:30 to 11 AM on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.